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Is your child/grandchild Spiritually ‘Spicey’?

Writer's picture: Minister Nicola Shortland-NealMinister Nicola Shortland-Neal

Some ways to tell if your little one has ‘the gift’ and how to encourage happy relaxed development 😊

baby girl looking up
The Wonder Within Babies

Is your child/grandchild Spiritually ‘Spicey’?

Babies and children are open to perceiving phenomenon that many of us shut down due to starting school, not being taken seriously, feeling scared, being ridiculed and numerous other scenarios that cause a child to mistrust themselves, their abilities and their environment at large.

When this happens, the child can shut everything down with the possible consequence of spending much of their adult life feeling a deep dissatisfaction, like a part of the jigsaw puzzle is missing but bot knowing the shape or picture on the piece.

Of course, it may be written within the child’s journey they will step away and have to rediscover their gifts later after they have gone 10 rounds with life and come out of the other side with battle scars that will give greater depth and empathy to their heart, soul & personality whilst having huge ‘AH-HA’ moments within life experiences.

Who am I or we to judge the path of another? I speak with personal experience here however that is the topic for a future blog 😊

children outdoors in sunset

That said, I believe the trusting innocent open heartedness of children that look upon the World in awesome wonder is what enables them to sense spirit in the first place.

Having only spent a small time within the physical world, their souls remember with greater clarity, the energy, purity and grace of the spirit world therefore naturally sense and see which to us remains, by and large, energetically hidden.  

Their hearts, minds and souls are open with pure love, joy, excitement and eagerness to expand, learn and grow into their bodies.

It is during this time that when they demonstrate some spiritual ability, there are ways to foster encouragement.

Here are some examples of behaviours that may show 'Spiritual Spiciness' in babies & children

-          make mention of seeing and smiling/giggling at something or possibly someone you cannot see, either in the home or whilst out

-          they said things that there is no logical explanation how they would or could know

-          predicting future events that have come to fruition exactly as they said

-          vivid dreams about passed over loved ones they possibly have never met

-          wisdom beyond their years

-          knowing where to find misplaced things are when it wasn’t them that misplaced them

-          having conversations & playing with unseen people

-          fascination with anything to do with ghosts, hauntings etc…

-          recognising loved ones from family photographs that passed before they were born

-          sensing the energy around people and in buildings

-          knowing the past events within a building

-          demonstrating knowledge of what has been purchased/colours of items etc…they didn’t know about at the time

-          extreme sensitivity to the pain and suffering of others

- the desire to heal the sick and injured, especially animals

-          connections with animals and nature

-          sensitivities to chemicals, artificial additives and some food types

-          they know what others are thinking/can hear other people’s thoughts

-          has imaginary friends

-          they love nature, crystals and generally being outdoors

Be aware, like any other gift, Spiritual gifts in no way discriminate and occur in all types of family dynamics, background and religion.

pillow fighting
Have Fun with Development

If you can identify with some or all of these examples, which is no means exhaustive, CONGRATULATIONS, you may indeed have been given the double gift of a Spiritually Spicey child within your family.

So, now what??

At the worst, please accept who they are without ridicule or belittlement. At the very best, as long as they show interest of course – in other words, allow them to lead the way & nothing should EVER be forced, encourage and develop your little one’s gifts by joining in therefore validating and listening.

-          Wave to the corner/space where their stare is.

-          Say Hi/Bye to the person your little one can see. You never know, you may be speaking to your relative in the spirit world.

-          When they start speaking, ask active open questions such as ‘what do they look like’ ‘what are they saying?’ ’tell me more’.

Understand they will respond in the best way they can within their vocabulary. Do your best not to lead the conversation.

girl with
Imagination and Play

As they get older, take more of an interest to normalise their gifts, explain this is one of the things that makes them them, just like the colour of their hair, the shape of their face and anything else that adds to their uniqueness.

It’s also wise to explain that others may misunderstand their gift and uniqueness and that’s ok. Others have their own gifts to develop within their own time.

Have fun with developing their sensitivities through games.

-          Hide something simple in a drawer within the house and invite your little one to tell you where it is.

-          Pop a coloured card in an envelope and invite your little one to tell you the colour.

-          Pop a playing card in an envelope and invite your little one to tell you it’s suit/colour

-          Buy something extra shopping and see if your little one knows what it is

-          Draw shape/picture, conceal it and see if your little one can tell you what it is/draw it for you

-          Play ‘Guess Who They Are’ - See if your little one recognises ancestors from family photos and can they name them without prompting

-          Hold an image of a picture/place/word/colour/shape in your mind and play a guessing game ‘who knows what I’m thinking’

-          Encourage quiet time, either colouring or creating something. This allows the mind space and focus on something specific

-          If possible, source and enrol into an age-appropriate child’s meditation class (always check the credentials of the person running it)

See if you can come up with any other fun ways to stimulate their spiritual gifts.

Ask them how they know the answers. Do they see it, hear a voice or just know it?

PS NEVER chastise for getting it wrong or be disappointed. It maybe they’re tired or are simply not that way inclined – that’s all good as they will have other incredible things to do within the World and gifts for them to share with others. They may of course, development their gifts as an adult, as many mediums do. Again, that’s a subject for another blog.

Teens standing on a bridge
Growing Up Spiritually Spicey

As they get older, they may well lose interest in favour of other interests that beset kids of certain ages, however, they may come back to working with their gifts at a later date, be that as a medium, healer or within another spiritual modality they’re drawn to.

Either way, well done, you’ve supported them in their adventure to understand themselves, their gifts and complete and utter uniqueness and place within the World.

Always be led by their interest, attention and enthusiasm for having fun with developing their Spiritual Spiciness.

Above all, relax and have FUN! xx

Copyright - Minister Nicola Shortland-Neal

1 Comment

Elise Mari Clare
Elise Mari Clare
Sep 25, 2024

Wonderful post - and true to the bone!


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